Laila Sultankyzy


Kazakh State National University named after. Al-Farabi, Higher Journalism, International Journalist
Geneva Business School
EMBA International Management

Professional experience

1997-1999: Radio journalist at TRK "Shahar"
1999-2003: Producer at TRK "Shahar"
2004-2006: Director of the channel "HIT TV"
2008-2009: Producer at NTK "Kazakhstan"
2009-2011: Chairman of the board of performers of KOUPI (Kazakh Society for Management of Performers' Rights)
2012-2017: Director of the channel "Balapan" AO RTRK
2018-2020: Member of the Board of Directors of the "Seventh Channel"
Since 2020: Establishment and management of business in advertising, PR, social network development, and production of audiovisual works.

TV and radio host, media manager, journalist, honored worker of Kazakhstan, television producer, well-known Kazakhstani media personality.

State awards

Winner of the award "Алтын Жұлдыз" ("Golden Star") (1999)
«Мәдениет саласының үздігі» ("Best in Culture") (2015)
«Қазақстанның еңбек сіңірген қайраткері» ("Distinguished Worker of Kazakhstan")
3rd Degree Medal «Адал еңбегі үшін» ("For Honest Labor") (2021)
Anniversary Medal «Қазақстан Тәуелсіздігіне 30 жыл» ("30 Years of Kazakhstan's Independence")(2021)
Medal “Ерен еңбегі үшін” ("For Distinguished Labor") (2022)
Member of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" (2020)


2013-2017: Author and host of the talk show "Aiel Bakytu" (Woman’s Happiness)
February 2023: Founded the "MARIYAM Kazakhstan" Charitable Foundation
March 2023: Established the "LS Media" company
© 2024 Charity fund «Mariyam»
Website development
Agreement for the processing of personal data
In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Personal Data and their Protection, I hereby provide my consent to the Mariam Kazakhstan Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) for the processing, implementation of activities, inclusion in the database of the online platform, and information support and coverage on the website. I hereby grant permission to the Foundation to collect and process my personal data, in both paper and electronic form, for the purpose of concluding and executing agreements between the Foundation and its legal representatives, through the use of social networks, internet, television, and print media. Personal data refers to any information recorded on electronic, paper, or other material media that pertains to the subject and their legal representatives. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Information required for completing questionnaires and applications and for proper identification;
  2. Information on family and social status;
  3. Information necessary for communication and determining the subject's place of residence or work;
  4. Information related to the Foundation's provision of assistance.
  5. I hereby give my consent to "Mariam Kazakhstan" Public Foundation for the photo and video recording of me and my family, as well as for the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating (renewal, modification) of photo and video materials free of charge, including their placement on the official website of the Foundation, as well as in mobile applications, social networks, on TV channels and other media, in printed publications, magazines, banners, calendars, video clips, and advertising materials as illustrations.
  6. The Foundation is not allowed to use the images in ways that could harm the honor and dignity of my family or our business reputation.
To continue registration, accept the terms of the agreement
Please fill all fields
Select area
Your residential address
Your marital status
many times have you had IVF
Your AMH level
Your FSH level
Do you have any chronic diseases?
Are you registered at the dispensary?
Motivational letter
Attach a scanned copy of the ID in pdf format
Do you have any allergies?
Recording with ultrasound of the pelvic cavity (no later than 3 months)
A copy of all operations
Spermogram of the spouse (no later than 6 months)
Marriage certificate
many times have you been pregnant
many children do you have
Have you had an abortion?
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